This year has been the fastest year and the slowest year all at the same time! Where I live the weather can't decide if it's still winter or if spring is starting and my kids are getting bored of all the usual ways we get out energy out. I have compiled a list of indoor and outdoor ways to burn energy or to promote present moment mindful thinking. Get creative if you can and trust me, your kids will appreciate something new to do!
Here are some ideas on how to get their bodies moving, their creativity flowing, and their energy out while being inside! Please use safety precautions when necessary.
Create an obstacle course (yup, your furniture might turn into a playground!)
Floor is Lava!!
Indoor Snowball fight - you can actually find kits for this activity in stores and it can be a ton of fun
Dance Parties - turn it into freeze dance if you kiddos like that, this will promote mindfulness as well as moving and grooving
Shadow Yoga or Dancing - turn off your lights, use a flashlight and have your kiddos watch their shadow dance or do yoga poses
Make a tunnel and have them create different ways to crawl or roll through it
Create a tape maze in a hallway Matrix style for them to crawl and move through
Play “Don't let the balloon touch the ground”
If you think your kiddos will be safe with it try a pillow fight BUT set some ground rules first. YOU KNOW YOUR KIDS BEST, this suggestion may not be a good fit for your family so trust your gut
Let them jump or roll on bubble wrap
Use an indoor trampoline or large exercise ball
Cup Stacking - this is a great team building exercise, promotes present moment thinking, body regulation and can be a lot of fun along the way

Here is a list of great ways to get them moving or having present mindful thinking while outside!
If you have snow - go snowshoeing
If you have snow - build a snow castle
If you have snow - create a path or maze in the snow using all different sized shovels or items you can find that move the snow
If you have snow - make a snowman or a snow family, get creative!
No snow...OK I get that - make an outdoor obstacle course with anything you can find. Even get the kids involved with the planning I bet they will come up with awesome ideas!
Outdoor Scavenger Hunts - make a master sheet, have a clipboard and pencil ready. Send them out to explore! Color Scavenger Hunt Can you find something around you from every color in the rainbow? Texture Scavenger Hunt How many different textures can you find in the nature around you? What do they feel like? Shape Scavenger Hunt How many different shapes can you find in the nature around you? Alphabet Scavenger Hunt Can you find items around you that start with each letter of the alphabet?
Hopefully Spring or Summer weather will be here soon, I know March can be a long month so I wanted to give you ideas of ways you can occupy time and promote movement and mindfulness with your kiddos.
As always I am here as a support system for you and your kiddo so if learning more about ways to incorporate breathing techniques, movement or mindfulness into your day to day life is something of interest, please click on the button below to learn more about my private support program.
Hope you have a wonderful day - Krista